Scriptwriting and Tips

Below are some suggestions and samples to help you write better and more effective voice greetings.
What to Include in Your Script
1. Get your critical message out in the first 20 seconds. Think of the first 20 seconds as an opportunity for a mini-commercial.
2. Include bypass instructions for frequent callers. Examples:
- "You may dial your party's extension at any time"
- "Press # to bypass these instructions and go directly to our general mailbox"
3. Mention your business specialties. Examples:
- "Specializing in Wills and Trusts"
- "Dedicated to finding a mortgage solution that's right for you!"
4. Mention what geographic area you serve. Examples:
- "Serving the Tri-State area"
- "Service within Capital Beltway"
5. Give your company credibility. Examples:
- "Family owned business"
- "Ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by. . ."
- "Winner of ABC Award for best design"
6. Mention any specials or promotional events. Examples:
- "Free estimates"
- "Ladies night every Tuesday"
- "Free shipping"
7. Include your hours of operation, address, fax number, and website if applicable.
Writing your script
1. Be sure to keep your script under any time limit allowed by your voicemail system. For example, if your voicemail system puts a 45 second time limit on your greeting and you choose a 750 character script length (approx. 45 seconds), be sure to write your script in a way to leave about 2 or 3 extra seconds at the end so your voicemail system will not cut off the end of your greeting if the recorded greeting runs over the 45 second mark.
2. Try not to abbreviate. This is a script someone will read out loud, so spell out abbreviations such as days of the week, state names, and words such as Boulevard and Avenue.
3. Spell phonetically, or spell names and uncommon words like they sound. For instance the name Roosevelt spelled phonetically would be spelled Rose-a-velt. And the name Bjork would be spelled Bee-ork.
4. Write your script before you purchase, then cut and paste your script into the text box when purchasing. To copy a script from below highlight the text and press ctrl+c, then click inside the scriptwriting text box and press ctrl+v to paste it.
5. Say your script out loud to be sure it sounds okay when spoken.
6. Use conversational language. In other words, write your voicemail as it is going to be read. Don't be too wordy or formal.
7. Keep sentences short and avoid using clauses
8. Be concise!
Choosing a Pre-Written Script — Voice Greeting Samples
On Hold Messaging Samples
Modify a script from the samples below, mix and match the scripts below, or create you own totally from scratch. To copy a script from below highlight the text and press ctrl+c, then click inside the scriptwriting text box and press ctrl+v to paste it.
Promotional Sample — "Welcome to Hilltop Gourmet Bakery. We're sorry we missed your call, but if you leave your name and number we promise to call you back shortly. Don't forget to join us for a gourmet dessert cooking demonstration and tasting every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at our Bethesda store -- located at 1200 Main Street, Anywhere, USA. You'll fall in love with the delicious gourmet treats of Head Baker John Smith. Thank you for calling Hilltop Gourmet Bakery. "
Promotional Sample 2 — "Thank you for calling Long Homes at Chase Run. We are proud to present our estate collection homes on beautifully situated 1 and 2-acre wooded homesites in the heart of historic Page County. Our sales office is located at 123 Main Street, Anywhere, USA. Normal business hours are 10 to 5 daily and 10 to 6 weekends. For more information please leave a message at the tone and Beth Johnson — Community Sales Manager — will return your call as soon as possible. "
Promotional Sample 3 — "Thank you for calling Kang's Karate, where we specialize in Tae Kwon Do and cardio-kickboxing for men, women and children of all ages. Be sure to visit our newly opened Olympic-sized training center! If you have reached this recording we are unable to take your call. Our normal business hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Our website address is Please call back or leave a message after the beep. "
Promotional Sample 4 — "You have reached Sammy's Guitars — voted Springfield's best guitar shop 3 years in a row by the Daily Times. We do appraisals and repairs — and have a wide variety of new and previously owned equipment. Our office hours are 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily. We are located at the intersection of Main Street and Old Bridge Road --across the street from the Taco Bell. Our website is Thank you for calling and have a jammin' day. "
Promotional Sample 5 — "Thank you for calling India Delight — rated one of Washington's 100 best restaurants 5 years in a row. Join us weekdays for our lunchtime buffet — or any evening of the week for a romantic dining experience. Ask about our banquet hall for large groups and special occasions. To reach reservations, press 1. For directions, press 2. For all other inquiries press 0. Thank you for calling India Delight. "
Credibility Sample — "You have reached the offices of PBC Incorporated — first-place winner of Red Magazine's 2005 award for design excellence and superior achievement in the IT field. Our business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please pay special attention because the following menu options have recently changed. Press 1 for sales, 2 for accounting, 3 for customer service, 4 for our company directory, or 5 for our business address and fax number. Again, thank you for calling PBC Incorporated. "
Credibility 2 Sample — "Thank you for calling Kitchens Plus — Marshall County's leading supplier of kitchen cabinets and countertops since 1966. You have reached our customer service line. Press pound to bypass this message and go directly into our general voice mailbox. Our sales office is located at 3400 Main Street, Anywhere, USA. Browsing hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. — and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 p.m. Please leave a message at the beep or call back during normal business hours. Thanks again for calling Kitchens Plus. "
Specialization Sample — "You have reached the law offices of Smith and Jones. We have over 25 years of experience helping clients protect their valuable patents, trademarks and copyrights. We are conveniently located near the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. If you have reached this message during normal business hours we are either out of the office or on the other line. Please leave your name, number and a brief message, and either John Smith or Linda Jones will return your call as soon as possible. "
Mission Statement Sample — "Hello and thank you for calling MLP Industries. At MLP our mission is provide our clients with the best equipment available — in the fastest possible time — and at the lowest possible price. We offer same day quotes and our products usually ship within one business day. Stay on the line or press one now to speak with a sales representative. "
Product Touting Sample — "You have reached the sales office at the Villages of Exeter — a luxurious gated community where tennis, swimming, concierge services, and a championship golf course are all just outside your door. Visit our 5,400 square foot model and tour the clubhouse daily between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Our website address is Unfortunately no one is available to take your call right now, so please leave your name and number and someone will contact you during normal business hours. "
Informational Sample — "Thank you for calling M. Jones Realtors. Join us for our open house this Saturday between the hours of 1 and 3 p.m. at 125 Elm Street, Anytown, USA. This beautiful, brick manor home is located on a spacious 1-acre homesite very close to the Old Town subway station. Features in this 3,700 square foot home include a recently renovated kitchen with granite countertops, hardwood floors on the main level, and a gorgeous rear patio area with a hot tub. Please call Katherine Johnson at 703-555-1212 for more information -- or wait for the tone to leave a message. Thanks again for calling M. Jones Realtors. "
Informational 2 Sample — "You have reached the office of the Maryland Panthers. Office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Our next home match is Sunday, September 3rd at the City Sports Plex — The Maryland Panthers against the Virginia Buccaneers. Do not wait to buy your tickets. If you know the extension of the person you would like to reach, dial it now or press # for a company directory. Otherwise press 1 to leave a message in our general mailbox. Have a wonderful day. "
Informational 3 Sample — "You have reached the office of Dr. David Smith. We are unable to take your call at this time, but your call is very important to us. If this is a medical emergency or another physician calling, please press 0 and your call will be answered by the next available operator. For non-emergency calls — such as prescription refills or to schedule an appointment — please leave your name and telephone number at the beep and someone will contact you during normal business hours. Thank you for calling. "
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